Allen Fisher
Allen Fisher has been involved in performance and poetry since 1962. A
poet, painter, publisher, editor and art historian, he has produced more than 140 chapbooks and books of poetry, graphic and art documentation. He currently edits Spanner, lives in Hereford, and is Emeritus Professor of Poetry and Art at Manchester Metropolitan University. He
has exhibited paintings in many shows, including one-man shows in London, 2003, and Hereford, 2013.
SPECIAL OFFER: Place and Gravity as a consequence of shape together for £25 + p&p

The poems in the sequence Gravity as a consequence of shape, composed in the period 1982-2006, were previously issued in many journals and small publications and then eventually in three succinct volumes. This collected edition brings all of the poems from the sequence together for the first time into one volume.
‘If poetry is the scholar’s art, then Allen Fisher remakes scholarship in the spirit of poetic inquiry. In all his work, Fisher has committed himself to a precarious openness toward knowledge. Gravity as a consequence of shape moves from an exploration of language as the material of information to an emergent lyricism of facticity as n-dimensional space. Gravity as a consequence of shape is a masterful work in the project of undoing mastery.’ – Charles Bernstein
Review at Write Out Loud
2016, 1-874400-72-1, 596pp, price: (previously £18) £15

Reality Street has published for the first time the complete text
(insofar as it can be contained within a set of covers) of Allen
Fisher's 1970s project PLACE.
PLACE was Allen Fisher's now somewhat legendary poetic project of the 1970s. Originally published over several years as a series of interconnecting books, virtually all of them now unobtainable, it incorporated influences from Blake, Olson, Pope, Wordsworth, Robert Kelly, Walter Benjamin, Jung, Dickens, Foucault, Wilhelm Reich, Marxism, the Situationists, conceptual art and researches in mythology, linguistics, psychology, mathematics, immunology, topography, zoology and much else – and yet remains unclassifiable. The Reality Street edition reprints the complete text of the constituent books – Place Book 1, Becoming, Stane, Eros:Father:Pattern, Unpolished Mirrors – in a handsome 418-page paperback.
2005, 1-874400-28-8, 418pp, price: £18 £15
Collecting work from 1988-91, this was the fourth book in Allen Fisher's series Gravity as a consequence of shape. It has since been incorporated into the collection entitled Gravity as a consequence of shape (see above), and is now out of print.