The German poet and lyricist Sarah Kirsch died on 5 May following a short illness.
Born Ingrid Bernstein in what later became East Germany, she changed her name to Sarah in protest against Nazi anti-semitism. Later political protest caused her to leave for the West.
Sarah Kirsch's pamphlet, the poem sequence
T, with a parallel English translation by Wendy Mulford and Anthony Vivis, was published by Reality Street in 1995. It's a beautiful little item, physically quite unlike the rest of Reality Street's output, with a dust jacket featuring a painting by Sarah. Sadly, it's long out of print, but a few copies remain of the booklet without the dust jacket. As a tribute to Sarah, Reality Street will send a copy free of charge to anyone who wants one (as long as stocks remain). Please
contact the press with your name and full postal address if you want one.
Our sympathies to Sarah's family and friends.