"I like sentences that seem to run away with my thoughts"

Posted by Ken Edwards on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 Under: Reality Street
Johan de Wit's Gero Nimo hasn't had nearly the attention it deserves since it was published in 2011. So it's a pleasure to read Jim Goar's excellent interview with him in The Conversant. It's the latest in a series of "transatlantic interviews" wherein two poets can converse online about what it means to write poetry.

Johan talks about where his sentences come from and what happens to them when they get there. And how he gets started, overcomes blockages, revises.

"Day after day, chapter after chapter, poem after poem, I’ll have to hang on to a mood that initially was real but must be lodged in my mind as soon as possible so that it can, through the act of writing, be exhausted before it disappears. That’s the challenge I face as a poet."

In : Reality Street 

Tags: "johan de wit" "jim goar" 
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Ken Edwards This blog is written by Ken Edwards, co-founder and editor/publisher of Reality Street, and it's mainly about the press. Ken's personal blog can now be found at http://www.kenedwardsonline.co.uk