Lawrence Upton

Lawrence Upton (1949-2020) made poetry for over four decades, prolific in a variety of writing genres. Before his untimely death in February 2020, he divided his time between London, where he was born, and emptier places, particularly west Cornwall and Scilly, where his family originated.


Wire Sculptures proposes a broken raft of narratives as the poems carry the reader from northern Surrey deeper into the dynamegopolis.

“These poems vibrate between visual and sonic pleasures, recalling in their verbal play the kinetic works of Alexander Calder. They bring to their linguistic balancings and imbalancings darker human concerns – degraded urban landscapes, politicised critiques, mundane violence, perplexities of perception – illuminated by weightless metallic intelligences: contemporary angels.” – Alison Croggan

“...Upton ex curia, bare and lone wire sculpture to an ultimately tragic, violently relaxed, diffluent human kind.” – Lissa Wolsak


2003, 1-874400-24-5, 48pp, price £5